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Treadmill Exercise And Diabetes: How Does it Help To Manage Diabetes?

Exercising is very important in managing diabetes. Three things are very important for a diabetic patient: diet, exercise and medicine (if prescribed). These three things will help control your weight and blood glucose level. Both doctors and physicians recommend exercising for diabetic patients, as it is a crucial part of managing diabetes.

Many doctors and physicians advise people with diabetes to exercise outdoors or indoors, and use fitness equipment, such as a treadmill, as it is the same as walking or running outdoors. Since many people don’t have time or don’t like to exercise outdoors, treadmills provide convenience and are easy to use.

Exercising, such as walking or jogging on a treadmill, helps control diabetes by:

• Exercising helps to improve blood circulation and reducing your risk of getting heart disease.

• Improving the body's use of insulin.

• Reducing stress

• Exercising burns excess body fat, helping to decrease and control weight by decreasing body fat, which results in improving insulin sensitivity.

• Increasing energy levels and enhancing work capacity.

• Improves muscle strength.

• Exercising promotes relaxation, and releasing tension and anxiety.

• Helps increase bone density and strength.

• Helps to Lower blood pressure.

• Helping to protect against heart and blood vessel disease by lowering bad cholesterol Low density lipoprotein (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol high density lipoprotein (HDL).

How does exercise, such as treadmill walking or running, affect Blood Glucose Levels?

After eating, the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood increases and insulin is released from the pancreas. Insulin stimulates the liver and muscles to take in excess glucose. This results in a lowering of the blood glucose level. When doing physical activity, such as exercising, the body needs extra energy or fuel (in the form of glucose) for the exercising muscles.

A short exercise session, such as 10 to 20 minutes of treadmill walking, will make the muscles and liver release stores of glucose for fuel. However, an exercise session 20 minutes or more will make the muscles take up glucose and lower blood glucose levels.

Intense exercise is not good for people with diabetes, as it can have the opposite effect of increasing blood glucose levels. The body recognizes intense workouts as a stress and releases stress hormones, forcing blood glucose levels to increase. Consult with your doctor before you start any exercises.

What is the best exercise to control Blood Glucose Levels?

Brisk walking on a treadmill or outdoors is healthy for people with diabetes; however, an intense exercise, such as running and interval training, can have an impact on their blood glucose level. In a recent study of Hispanic men and women, sixteen weeks of strength training produced dramatic improvements in glucose control that are comparable to taking diabetes medication. Additionally, the study volunteers were stronger, gained muscles, lost body fat, had less depression, and felt much more self-confident.

What types of treadmill exercises can people with diabetes do?

Before you start exercising, consult with your doctor or physician to work out what is the best exercise plan for you. How long can you exercise on the treadmill? Can you do treadmill interval training or hill workouts? Can you run on the treadmill?

For all these questions, ask your doctor and physician. Once you know that, start to exercise on the treadmill, by either brisk walking or power walking.

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What is the Best Treadmill Workout Program?

Treadmill Workout

Training by yourself on a treadmill can be hard and challenging to say the least especially if you are a beginner, and this is one of the reasons why many people get bored after a few weeks of using a treadmill.

Treadmill trainer is a great Mp3 / Ipod workout program that every treadmill user should have, it is like having your own personal trainer motivating, encouraging and helping you every step of the way.

Treadmill trainer workout program will not only motivate you but will also increase your chances of getting fitter than you've ever been and lose weight faster than you ever thought is possible on the treadmill.

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