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Lifefitness Treadmills

Shopping For LifeFitness Treadmills Online

LifeFitness Treadmill Advantages

Lifefitness treadmills are high quality treadmills, that have a superb reputation throughout the industry for quality and durability. The Lifefitness brand is produced by the Brunswick Corporation, a company that is extremely well respected and established in the health and fitness industry.

Lifefitness treadmills are high quality machines, and this quality is reflected in the prices of the various treadmills in their range. The treadmills will require you to dig a little deeper in your pocket, than the budget models available from other manufacturers; but you will have a machine that is still operating at peak performance, for many years to come.

Brunswick Corporation, the manufacturer of Lifefitness treadmills, is truly an international player in the health and fitness industry, with over 186 dealers marketing their products world wide. The company itself employs more than 1700 people, in 12 separate locations all over the world.

Lifefitness treadmills are produced for both the professional and the home markets. The brand is known throughout the industry as high quality, extremely durable and feature packed treadmills.

The treadmills that are produced for the home consumer market are considered by consumers as being able to deliver a professional quality workout in the privacy of their own homes.

All Lifefitness treadmills take advantage of  Lifefitness’s patented FlexDeck shock absorption system, which reduces the impact on the user by almost 30%. In comparison to treadmills that do not have a cushioned surface, this reduces the chances of impact related injuries, and dramatically improves the users comfort when using a treadmill.

Lifefitness treadmills have various features, depending upon the model you purchase. The base models feature the usual distance, calorie, distance and time readouts, as well as 9 pre loaded workouts. Medium ranged products allow heart rate monitoring using a wireless chest strap. And the top of the line features LCD screens that can be connected with a coaxial cable, so the user can watch TV on the LCD screen whilst working out.

In all of the research we have undertaken, Lifefitness Treadmills are consistently praised by both industry, and private users for being high quality, well engineered, feature packed, and extremely durable. The company’s customer service is reported as excellent.

The Drawbacks of using Lifefitness Treadmills

There were only two slight complaints that I could find references for;
one is that the spare parts are dearer than comparable spare parts. However, it is agreed that it will be many years before a consumer will need to deal with this issue.

The other warning I found, was that customers should avoid the "Sport and Essential" models that the company outsourced from Taiwan several years ago – this would only be a consideration for consumers considering purchasing a second hand treadmill.

Lifefitness have several models available, ranging in price from approximately $2200 to $8000. The most popular models for home consumers appear to be the T3.0 and T3.5, which are fold up base models, and the T9e fully featured (including LCD screen), non folding model for those that want a truly “professional” workout at home.

Conclusion of Lifefitness Treadmills

Lifefitness Treadmills are consistently praised by both industry, and private users for being high quality, well engineered, feature packed, and extremely durable. The company’s customer service is reported as excellent.

The best place we have found for buying the Lifefitness Treadmills is Amazon - click the image below


What is the Best Treadmill Workout Program?

Treadmill Workout

Training by yourself on a treadmill can be hard and challenging to say the least especially if you are a beginner, and this is one of the reasons why many people get bored after a few weeks of using a treadmill.

Treadmill trainer is a great Mp3 / Ipod workout program that every treadmill user should have, it is like having your own personal trainer motivating, encouraging and helping you every step of the way.

Treadmill trainer workout program will not only motivate you but will also increase your chances of getting fitter than you've ever been and lose weight faster than you ever thought is possible on the treadmill.

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