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What You Need To Know When Choosing A Treadmill

Choosing a treadmill can be a most difficult and confusing process. You would think it is straight forward, like buying any other equipment, but you are wrong. What makes the process hard is the fact that you have thousands of models, brands, programs and features with competitive prices.

The question is do you go for quality or features? Before you decide, ask your self three questions:-

  1. Why do I want to buy a treadmill?
  2. Do I want to walk or run on the treadmill, or both?
  3. Do I need featured programs, such as foldable treadmill, calorie display, heart rate, Mp3 Audio, Tv video system, user weight capacity, max speed and incline?

The above three questions will help you decide what sort of treadmill you need. Most people think they need every single feature, but the reality is they don't. All they need is a simple treadmill they can use to run or power walk.

Where can I buy treadmill online?

There’re millions of treadmills with different brands, prices, features, models and quality on the internet such as eBay, Amazon and other websites. The following lists some well known online treadmill companies that we recommend which you can trust and relay on:-

  • ProForm are one of the more popular treadmill brands on the market. In its early days, ProForm revolutionized the treadmill industry with the now world-famous SpaceSaver® fold-away design. They are a highly recognized company and their online store sells their own brand, with prices ranging from start from $600 to $1200.

  • Sole are company that sells treadmills that are built for them by Dyaco. They have quickly established their brand as a good value alternative and with continued product improvements. Their prices start from $999 to $2500. For more information read my review...

  • Workout Warehouse a very popular workout equipment retailer. With treadmill prices ranging from $200 to $2,700 they stock a range of brands including - sole, nordictrack, gold's gym, proform, epic, reebok, healthrider, weslo and image.

Before Choosing a Treadmill, Weigh Advantages and Disadvantages


  1. Does not require a very large space
  1. Factors like energy, speed and other gradients can be measured easily and accurately at different stages of running
  1. Medical benefits: The treadmill is a boon in the field of medical sciences. It has proved to be of great help to doctors and patients, especially pertaining to cardiovascular problems. Patients suffering from diseases like coronary artery blockages, obesity and unchanged EKG can exercise on the moving belt, and it really works. It increases stamina and tolerance of persons with CAD. It regularizes a persons heart beat pattern when done on a regular basis.


  • Some treadmills have loud motors.
  • Many runners find treadmills boring, especially for longer distances.
  • Some agree that because the treadmill is moving under the runner (instead of the runner pushing himself forward), it is less effective than true outdoor running.

Before you decide to buy one, it is best to access the kind of treadmill you are looking for. There are 2 types of treadmills:

  • Manual
  • Motorized

Motorized is obviously more expensive than a manual one. The internet is a great resource when you are choosing a treadmill to help you stay in shape and get fit. You can start your research on one of the popular online auction websites, such as eBay. They have a wide selection of treadmills with competitive prices.

You can also compare prices of the models, check their features and read reviews by people who have purchased them. If there are reviews, then they can be your best resource of judging which treadmill to go for.

When choosing a treadmill, an auction site like eBay gives you unlimited options, such as model, brand, competitive prices, new and used. Once you know what type of treadmill you want, you can buy it from a local eBay seller and save up to 10%.

However, do refer to independent sites for these reviews, as they can be forged. Be an alert buyer and know about the discounts that you can get, and what times they have the best availability. You can get some great deals if you keep your eyes open and grab the right opportunity.

Most importantly, once you decide which model you want to go for, make sure to try it. What may suit others may not be a good choice for you. So, only buy the one you feel comfortable with; otherwise, you are most likely not to use it for long.

That is where a lot of people go wrong when choosing a treadmill, they don't do the research properly, and most importantly, they don't know what type of treadmill training they want, such as running only, walking only or both. Knowing what you want makes choosing a treadmill a lot easier.

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Treadmill Buying Guide
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What is the Best Treadmill Workout Program?

Treadmill Workout

Training by yourself on a treadmill can be hard and challenging to say the least especially if you are a beginner, and this is one of the reasons why many people get bored after a few weeks of using a treadmill.

Treadmill trainer is a great Mp3 / Ipod workout program that every treadmill user should have, it is like having your own personal trainer motivating, encouraging and helping you every step of the way.

Treadmill trainer workout program will not only motivate you but will also increase your chances of getting fitter than you've ever been and lose weight faster than you ever thought is possible on the treadmill.

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