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Seven Reasons Why A Folding Treadmill Is A Better Option For You

Folding treadmills are great to have if space is an issue. Treadmills are normally huge and take up too much space, which is often the determining fact whether to buy a treadmill or not.

The use of foldable treadmills has increased and become more popular among exercisers. They are available in a wide variety of brands and featured programs.

There are basic designs, as well as advanced designs, that come with feature programs, such as heart rate monitor,incline, calorie counter and other features. There are two types of foldable treadmills: folding manual treadmills and folding motorized treadmills.

Advantages and Disadvantages of folding treadmills

Most of these fitness machines are cheaper than non-folding treadmills; they range from a few hundred to a thousand in price. Treadmills usually take up more space; so, if you don’t have space to put the machine, and prefer not to sacrifice the space of a room for exercise equipment, then a folding treadmill is a good option.

Many of these machines come with wheels and are easy to move; plus, they can be stored in any place (for example, under the bed).

Even though they take up less space than non-folding treadmills, they do have disadvantages. A treadmill should be stable, comfortable and fit your training needs. According to fitness experts, most foldable treadmills are less stable than non-foldable; that doesn’t mean they are not stable, it simply means non-folding treadmills are more stable.

When you run or walk fast, the machine should feel solid and secure at all times; if it doesn’t, the quality of the exercise equipment is not good. When you look at stability ratings for treadmills, non-folding treadmills are ranked higher.

Points To Consider Before Buying A Folding Treadmill

Shopping For Folding Treadmills Online

Home gym buyers usually consider buying a folding treadmill for convenience. Unfortunately, you would be compromising on stability for the convenience of a space saving exercise machine. The overall durability and quality of the machine would be less than a non-folding treadmill.

The design and quality of folding machines have improved, which has contributed to folding models being comparable to their stationary equivalent.

Stability: Make sure the machine fits your training needs and is stable for your workout needs. According to research, many folding treadmills under $1,000 lack stability. They are not structurally built well, and so the stability of the machine isn’t excellent. The best folding treadmills have excellent stability and overall feel.

Cost: The final quality of any machine comes down to the cost; usually the higher the price, the better the quality.

Before you buy any exercise equipment, decide what you want out of the machine. Are you planning to workout for long term or short term, and do you intend to walk on it or run or both? Once you know your training requirements, shop for the best folding treadmill that fits your workout.

If your workouts consist of walking only, it is recommended that you pay around $1,000 for a machine used mainly for walking. But, if your workout consists of running and jogging, it is recommended that you pay around $1,500 for a treadmill that will be used primarily for running and jogging.

Safety: Test the locking mechanisms of the equipment. These locking devices should be easy to operate and provide you with the secure locking of the machine when not in use. Read the manufacturers manual before you start using the treadmill; following the specific directions of the manufacturers guidelines will ensure your safety.

Weight of the machine: Make sure to check the weight of the machine. Buy one that you can lift easily, since foldable treadmills are designed to be moved. Also, check the space usage of the machine; there is no point purchasing a product that takes up a lot space because it is too heavy to lift comfortably. As a standard practice, most manufacturers will exaggerate the weight capacity of their treadmill. If the weight capacity of the machine is exceeded, the motor, belt, rollers and bearings will burn-out; therefore, buy a machine that can withstand the impact of your weight.

Moving the treadmill: These machines are designed to be flexible and moved after use; some treadmills require less effort than others. If you are planning to move the treadmill constantly, get one that is easy to move and lift. It is advisable to get one that has wheels, which is easier to move than one that doesn’t have them.

Features: Most of these machines come with featured programs, such as heart rate monitor, calorie counter, incline, front and side hand rails, and flat, wide foot rails on either side of the running belt. These programs are important for your safety, as well as workout progress, to keep track of how well you are doing. If you purchase a foldable treadmill, make sure it comes with the above featured programs.

Warranty: Make sure the machine comes with a warranty; it is a good indication of the quality of the machine, whether it is a folding or non-folding treadmill. Always go for models that have a one or two year warranty and don’t buy models that come with less than a year. It is recommended when buying a folding treadmill to go for one that has a minimum of 1 year of service, 2 years in parts and a 5 year motor warranty.

Final word

These pieces of fitness equipment offer a great way to save space and enjoy the many benefits of walking and running at home. The best folding treadmills have excellent stability, featured programs, a warranty, can be moved easily and come with good safety features. Before purchasing any folding treadmill, be certain it will suit your training needs and your space availability.

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Training by yourself on a treadmill can be hard and challenging to say the least especially if you are a beginner, and this is one of the reasons why many people get bored after a few weeks of using a treadmill.

Treadmill trainer is a great Mp3 / Ipod workout program that every treadmill user should have, it is like having your own personal trainer motivating, encouraging and helping you every step of the way.

Treadmill trainer workout program will not only motivate you but will also increase your chances of getting fitter than you've ever been and lose weight faster than you ever thought is possible on the treadmill.

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