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Quick Weight Loss- How To Burn Fat Fast On Treadmill

Wondering how to achieve quick weight loss success the healthy and safe way?

Top 2 Recommended Quick Weight Loss Programs

1. Treadmill Trainer

yuri elkaim treadmill trainer

Treadmill Trainer is the number one recommended treadmill workout program for treadmill users. This program not only helps you achieve quick weight loss success, it also improves your fitness level and makes you a better runner. If you ever thought you could never run faster, further and longer; then Treadmill Trainer is the right program for you.

Treadmill Trainer is like a mini personal trainer in your pocket; guiding you, motivating you and helping you burn fat every step of the way. If you ever wanted your own personal trainer, at the comfort of your own home, then your wish is granted. Yuri Elkaim is the creator of Treadmill Trainer, he is one of Canada’s top personal trainers. He knows what you need and how you can achieve it. All the workouts are customized for your fitness level.

Get your own copy of a Treadmill Trainer HERE.

2. Fitter U

Fitter U teadmill weight loss program

Fitter U is great for home training; if you ever wanted a complete workout program, without the use of cardiovascular equipment, then Fitter U might be the right program for you. Fitter U is a 12 week, body shaping. fitness program for iPod/mp3 players; put your headphones on and start working out.This workout program features 35 hours of full body circuit training and interval cardio workouts, led by one of Canada ’s top trainers, Yuri Elkaim.

Like most home workout routines, you don’t need any machines, so there are no excuses here. All you need is a stability ball, a few weights (if you don’t have them, you can use books or a chair), and a step.Get to work, train hard, lose weight faster and keep it off for good without hiring a personal trainer.

Get your own copy of a Fitter U HERE.

Do You want to know which Treadmill workout routines Make you Burn MORE Calories?

You are not the only one; people always ask "what is the healthiest way to achieve quick weight loss on a treadmill?". This question has been asked of personal trainers on a regular basis, especially at the gyms and clubs. Losing weight on a treadmill is no different than any other cardiovascular equipment; working out on a treadmill alone is not the way to lose weight, you have to combine exercise with healthy eating. 

There is no point in exercising 45 minutes to 1 hour every day if you are going to eat fatty foods. Remember, the key to losing weight is your calorie intake has to equal your calories burned.

How many pounds can you lose on a treadmill?

This is a tricky question; everyone is different and therefore, their success will be different to yours. It depends on a lot of factors, such as age, gender, fitness level, intensity of the exercise and food consumption. Whether it is training on treadmill, weight training, yoga or any other exercise, they all have one thing in common.

To burn fat, you need to do intense exercise, not light. Yeah, I know, it is painful and exhausting, but hey, nothing is achievable unless you work hard for it. There are quick weight loss diets without hard work and commitment, but we all know nothing is easy in this world. You only get what you work for and losing weight is no different. No matter how many so-called diet pills you eat, you will never achieve a healthy weight loss without exercising and doing it the right way, that is the reality.

Wondering what type of workout I am talking about?

Treadmill interval training; yes, it is very fast, intense and most of all, entertaining. For quick weight loss success, nothing works better than a hard, intense training workout, such as cardiovascular exercise. One of the leading cardiovascular fitness machines is the treadmill. You can burn a lot of calories with treadmill interval training, at short workout sessions.

Example of a 30 minute treadmill interval workout routine:

5 minutes

Warming up before the exercise routine is very important; as it helps you circulate blood through the body and stretches the muscles to prepare your body for the workout session. Never start a workout with high intensity or speed, always start with a brisk walk at a comfortable pace and slowly increase your speed.

3 minutes

Slowly start to increase your pace after every minute, until you reach a pace that you are comfortable with, but at the same time also challenging, so it is not too comfortable.

3 minutes

Now, start hill training by increasing the incline to 1% and increase the speed to slightly higher than a comfortable pace. The key is to increase your heart rate and maximize calorie burn to achieve quick weight loss.

2 minutes

Every 15 seconds, increase incline percentage to 1%.

2 minutes

Run on the highest speed that you can cope with  for 2 minutes. The idea of this is to sprint increase your heart rate and running or power walking at a speed that you’re not comfortable with, to make your muscles work harder and in return, burn more calories, which will result quick weight loss.

2 minutes

Slow down and decrease speed to a walking pace. This helps you catch your breath and relax little bit. It is called a recovery time to allow your body to adjust with the high intensity.

3 minutes

Run on the highest speed that you can cope with for about 2 minutes; again, the idea is to increase your heart rate to a maximum for your age and weight.

2 minutes

Decrease incline to 1 % for every 15 seconds

2 minutes

Slow down and decrease incline to 0% to recover back to baseline.

5 minutes

Cool down and walk at a comfortable base for 3 to 4 minutes and slowly decrease speed until you reach 0.

What is the Best Treadmill Workout Program?

Treadmill Workout

Training by yourself on a treadmill can be hard and challenging to say the least especially if you are a beginner, and this is one of the reasons why many people get bored after a few weeks of using a treadmill.

Treadmill trainer is a great Mp3 / Ipod workout program that every treadmill user should have, it is like having your own personal trainer motivating, encouraging and helping you every step of the way.

Treadmill trainer workout program will not only motivate you but will also increase your chances of getting fitter than you've ever been and lose weight faster than you ever thought is possible on the treadmill.

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